Thursday, January 5, 2017

Food Culture


The photo above is from the food I prepared one year with plans of attending a Super Bowl Party at some friends' house.  I made them from scratch, with baby portobellos, gorgonzola cheese, garlic and spices.  They were pretty laborious to make, and I didn't write the recipe down or else I would share it here today.  For that party I also made some beer bread muffins with Flying Dog Lucky SOB Irish Red Ale and they were SOOOO good.  Incidentally, I didn't get to attend the party because I poisoned my husband with the cheese which he didn't know he was allergic to.  I ended up bringing the mushrooms to work and they disappeared within 5 minutes.

The reason I'm bringing up this event from three years ago, is because of the article I've linked to below:

It does make some good points about food culture.  And Michael Pollan is a genius.  But one thing that I absolutely love is to make a big meal and serve it to my guests or bring it to an event.  Sometimes I even prepare a big meal, then ask around if anyone wants to eat it and to come on over.  The process of cooking is pretty fun for me and my husband.  I know I haven't blogged since August. That is because I haven't really cooked since then.  I love restaurants, too.  And my food processor broke, but more on that in a different post.

And I recommend listening to Tim Buckley's Lorca as background to making the mushrooms.

If you're looking for some Flying Dog Lucky SOB:

If you're looking for info on Michale Pollan:

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